Tax Stories
Tax Stories
Bernard Peeters - acting as a businessman

Bernard Peeters - acting as a businessman

Bernard Peeters is a senior partner of the leading Belgium tax boutique Tiberghien, a member firm of WTS Global tax network.

A video summary of the episode:

In this episode (no.58) you will learn about leadership principles, professional firm management and international tax topicalities. You will also discover about:

  • what principles did Bernard and his colleagues apply to grow from ~20 tax lawyers in 1990s when he started to more than 120 tax lawyers now and to become Tier 1 tax boutique;

  • what pricing principles to apply in order not to compromise on quality?

  • the book Bernard recommends: The World is Flat by the Pulitzer Prize -winning author Thomas L. Friedman and we both agreed that many publications by Simon Sinek are inspiring, including Start With Why;

  • what could be ‘the Why’ of Tiberghien?

  • how to separate tax fraud from abuse?

    • tax authorities: if in doubt, go for a ruling;

    • Bernard: but then where is the added value of a tax advisor? the advisors should take responsibility and express their opinion;

  • what does Bernard mean by professional empathy?

  • what functions does Bernard as a deputy judge do and why is it beneficial for the advisory practice development?

  • why Bernard is in favour of having a tax arbitration as a dispute resolution tool?

  • what did Bernard think by writing about himself - thinking as a lawyer, acting like a businessman?

  • how did Albert Tiberghien establish the firm and was the 1st in Belgium to approach at taxes from legal perspective, not only numbers and accounting;

  • why MLI might be just a beginning of a series of MLIs;

  • Bernard shared an interesting story where the won an appeal, but the client decided to pay the tax anyway - you will learn why;

  • M&A tax issues - how they have evolved over the last 5 years;

  • why larger countries with deeper pockets will outplay smaller countries in the race for investments now;

  • what could an ideal tax system look like; what is a positive approach to taxes; what is 1 euro is equal to 1 euro principle in taxation?

  • we also discussed Singapore, Belgian capital gains taxation, no taxation without representation - how that relates to OECD soft law, and many more topics.

Tax Stories
Tax Stories
Life stories of people dealing with tax, from all over the world. Stories for, about and by businesses, fraudsters, judges, attorneys-at-law, prosecutors, authorities, politicians, professors, writers, journalists. Your host with more than 25 y. experience in tax has some stories too.
Tune in to uncover cutting-edge tax and leadership strategies that could save your business thousands. Don't miss out—listen now!
The host of the podcast can be reached at:
Music by Karlis Lacis;
Cover art by Mara Vulfa