Thierry Charon is an of counsel at a global law firm with ~1600 people - Loyens & Loeff, which is the 2nd largest tax firm in Europe by turnover. For 4 y. he has been a member of the executive board.
Thierry Charon overall has been with Loyens & Loeff for 34 years. Thierry’s specialisation is indirect tax, mainly – VAT. He was also a lecturer of VAT law at the University in Brussels. He is mentioned by International Tax Review in several categories as a highly regarded indirect tax and controversy expert in Belgium.
We discussed VAT Club, Riga, best travel destinations, basketball, motivation and inspiration to be in the business after so many years there, lecturing, Loyens & Loeff, work-life balance, the future of tax profession and in taxation, EUCJ case law, VAT fraud, investors’ expectations regarding tax systems, a tax story and of course - the meaning of life.
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